communication in relationships

4 Tips to improve communication in relationships

February 9, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

Communication in Relationships

Communication in relationships is about bonding and using your verbal, written and physical skills to fulfill your partner’s needs. We are constantly communicating with each other, whether we believe we are or not. Literal verbal words aside, we unconsciously communicate through non verbal’s like body language, facial expressions, the tone of our voice, and we also communicate through our behavior.

We love communicating with other people because it makes us happy and makes the relationship thrive. But what does a healthy conversation look like? Is there under-communication? If you notice your relationships, check out these boxes then it is time to evaluate your communication for the ultimate relationship goals you always wanted.

communication in relationships
good relationships starts with good communication

Couples in a relationship have to communicate continuously not to face issues in conflict resolution, relationship growth, and connections. It is important to understand your partner at all stages in their life. If you have a problem in communicating your needs in a relationship, then over time you will grow apart.

‘We speak not only to tell other people what we think, but to tell ourselves what we think. Speech is a part of thought.’ – Oliver sacks

How to improve Communication in relationships

There are several ways to improve communication in relationships, but lets take a look at this four below

Employ the power of apology

With relationships in conflict, the bitter truth always lies somewhere in the middle. The power of owning up to your mistakes goes a long way toward forging great communication in the future conflicts. Rather than waiting for your partner to apologise first. Just bite the nail on the head and say sorry!

Identify your communication styles

Not everyone has the same communication preference. Some like to talk, some like visuals, some prefer touch. You better ask your partner what they prefer and intentionally use it for the best communication.

‘You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time’ – M. Scott Peck


Be open and honest

Being open and honest should be the top of your list for how to improve communication in a relationship. Make your feelings clear and say what you mean. Walking away from an argument is just a temporary relief, you need to have a healthy and meaningful discussion thereafter. Instead of ignoring issues, it is crucial that you both learn how to communicate better with each other.

Be Observant

Be observant in your relationships on every detail, such as what your spouse prefers for a dinner date, their favorite snack or even gifts they prefer.
As you observe you are bound to find some mistakes, such as showing up late for dinner, Instead of being mad, you can say ‘I realize you were late for the dinner date’. This is factual and not rude in any way.

Be present

Set aside time to communicate to your partner. They need to feel loved and that they have your full attention and that they are your number one priority.
Remember that you have to be mindful, present, and aware in your relationship.

communication in relationships
Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash


Communication is important in having a healthy relationship. And it is not a small task. Asking your partner how their day went can go a long way in creating a ripe environment for them to open up to you on some other issues. If you want an extraordinary relationship, you must seek to dig deep through matters. Learning how to communicate the right way is a never ending learning experience, one your partner longs for. In a relationship, you must learn how to listen, not how to talk.

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