toxic relationship

4 Subtle Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship 

February 20, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

 Toxic Relationship

Unlike what many people often believe, toxic relationships aren’t easily detectable. In fact, despite all visible warning signs, it’s possible to not be aware you’re in a toxic relationship.

The disturbing part is, while some may not be able to tell they’re in a toxic relationship, those who can find it almost impossible to quit for a plethora of excuses, ranging from, ‘He/she can still change’, ‘But He/she still loves me, ‘I’ll never find love again if I leave him/her’.

Yes, it’s tough to withdraw from a partner that you’ve grown fond of, but when a relationship tends to become detrimental to your mental health, withdrawing, or even total quitting may be the only solution and way out.

The question then remains; what signs do you need to watch out for to identify a toxic relationship? If you’re asking, keep reading to have your question answered.

toxic relationship

Everything You Do Is Wrong

Your once referred sexy walking steps by them has suddenly become an issue that stems up a complaint. Your sense of dressing is now old-fashioned. You speak too loudly. And why didn’t you tell them they needed to iron their shirts the other day for their interview?

Ridiculous isn’t it?

One major sign of a toxic relationship is that, along with the fact that you can’t do anything right in their sight, you’re also blamed for their inactions and act of irresponsibility. Often more than not, when this happens, the recipient begins to apologize consistently.

Not only that, self-doubts creep in for the recipient, and soon they start to believe that they’re truly becoming sloppy and need to do better. But that’s not usually the case. You’re perfectly fine and nothing’s wrong with you. The simple truth is, you’re in a toxic relationship.

They Try To Change You

While there’s nothing wrong in attempting to become a better person for the one you’re in a relationship with, well, the case isn’t the same as them trying to make you something you weren’t when you two first met.

The former is by choice while the latter is by force. Simply put, they don’t appreciate you for what you are anymore. They’ve created an image of someone who isn’t you (but wish you are) and are trying to make you that person. Now, that’s a toxic relationship no one deserves to be in.

If this sounds like you, I am deeply sorry for what you’re going through but you need to realize that you’re not tied to this person. You’ve every right to get out of any situation that threatens your mental health.

toxic relationship

Your Voice No Longer Counts

What’s a healthy relationship without a joint decision and mutual agreement? After all, this is an essential means of building intimacy and strengthening the love bonds.

if your partner makes critical decisions about vital parts of their life without informing you or carrying you along, or maybe they even shun every word of advice that you try to offer them, it’s a huge sign that you’re in a toxic relationship. Don’t remain there.

They Always Remind You Of Your Past Mistakes

Okay fine, you were once a terrible liar. The good news is you’ve apologized, and changed over the past months. But why doesn’t it feel like it? Oh wait, your partner just won’t stop bringing it up at every chance they get. Try as you may, they never let you forget the day you forgot to buy them that special valentine’s gift. If this sounds like something you’re experiencing in your relationship, you might need to seriously reconsider who you’re in that relationship with.

For various reasons, many people tend to have difficulty identifying a toxic relationship. Whatever reasons they are, however, these signs mentioned above can reveal whether or not you’re in a toxic relationship, as long as you pay attention. If you happen to discover these toxic signs in your relationship, do yourself a big favor and press the red button. Your future self will thank you for it.

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