deal with anger

5 Unhealthy Ways To Deal With Anger

February 23, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

Being Angry is not a big thing because anger is a primal emotion that suddenly came and vanished after we cope with it. There are many healthy ways that we can use to deal with anger.  But some of the tactics that we use to deal with anger are not good and can affect us oppositely.

Anger is somehow a primitive emotion that we tend to face in our life. Whenever something gets wrong, someone hurts us, or stress and depression overload our minds, we become furious and get ourselves involved in extreme anger.

As it is a primitive emotion, many of us are not well-aware of the right methods to deal with it and using unhealthy mechanisms end-up making it worse for ourselves.

Here are 5 of the unhealthy ways people often use and think wrong that they are the best to deal with anger.

deal with anger
Image by Лечение Наркомании from Pixabay

Consuming Your Anger:

The first of the unhealthy ways to deal with anger is swallowing your feelings away. Instead of confronting someone or situations that are the leading cause of the offence, we deny ourselves to feel anger.

Instead of repressing the rage, we need to find the issues that causing to heighten our nerves. Once we identify the main issue triggering our emotions, then it will be easy to cope with it.

Transferring Your Anger:

Projecting the anger or transferring it to other people is the most common unhealthy way to deal with anger. An angry person is always looking for a person to burst his rage upon him.

You are wrong if you think that projecting anger can help you to cope with it. It makes your negative image, among others, and people will start parting their ways from you. Instead of projecting it on others, you need to become strong to fight against it.

Thinking Anger Is A Weakness:

Being angry sometimes is not your weakness. It’s an emotion that helps us to survive from day to day life.

However, some people think that anger is a weakness, so they refuse to feel rage. Instead of regarding it as our faintness, we need to accept it and fight against it.

Violence and Aggression:

One of the worst ways to deal with anger is violence and aggression. Some people, when losing control on emotions, then cope with it through knuckles and kicks. They tend to blow off their stream through physical aggression that turns into violence.

Physically abuse someone to cool down the nerves is against the laws and can become a police case. You should need to control your anger instead of making it worse for yourself and others.


When people become angry, instead of finding the reasons that trigger their emotions, they tend to harm themselves to cope with anger. Hurting yourself will not help you to blow off your stream.

If someone hurts your emotions, instead of telling the person your feelings, you end-up punch the walls bleeding your hands. Firstly, you need to stop assuming that you are the main reason for every life mistake.

You cannot deal with your anger until you cannot stop blaming and hurting yourself for every reason.

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