keep your kids active

5 Creative Ways To Keep Your Kids Active During Summer

March 6, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

Summer is almost there, and during that natural time keeping your kids active is really hard for parents. Summer is a fun time for kids that give them an excellent opportunity to spend valuable time outside. But the reality is that in today’s modern century, kids are less active than ever before. They spend their vacations indoors stick to their electronic devices, logging more screen time than they do during the school year.

It’s tough for parents to see their kid’s ruining their valuable time indoors instead of doing any outdoor activities that are good for their health and physique. If you’re experiencing this kind of situation at home, the first question that blows up in your mind is: How do we get our kids to disconnect screen time and keep them healthy and fit during summer break?

Well, to help you get out of these difficulties and reverse your kid’s mind towards healthy activities, this article will help you a lot to make your desires come true. We will share with you five creative ways to keep your kids active and healthy during the summer.

keep your kids active
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

5 ways to keep your kids active:

Instead of leaving your kids binge on Netflix and videos game all summer, practice these healthy tips to keep your kids active and sharp.

Go screen-free:

As a parent, set some rules for the usage of screen time in the home. You can designate a few screen-free days each week or a certain time each day when all the screens must be turned off. You can also make some house screen-free areas –such as the dining room and sitting area—where the usage of electronic devices is strongly prohibited. By letting these boundaries in the house, you can use these free times to keep your kids involved in some outdoor activities.

Enjoy the outdoors:

Summer is a great time for heading outside playing and enjoying different activities, especially for kids.  Encourage your kids to spend time outside instead of playing video games and browsing social media all day. You can break your kids’ addiction to gaming by making them do a chore or some other physical activity for each half-hour of the game. You can also plan a family trip outside for a picnic to break the habit of your kid staying inside.

Be the change:

To bring the change in your kids, first change yourself. Yes, it relatively easy to tell children what they should do, but are you following your own words? Be a role model for your kids by limiting your own screen time and getting more active. Once you did that, kids will get inspiration from you and follow your roadway to become more active.

Get help with chores:

One of the best and helpful ways for kids to stay active is to help with household chores. Make a chore list for your kids and then reward them after they complete their one task. The curiosity and hard work of completing the task make your kid active and help them learn responsibility.

Provide healthy snacks:

A healthy body demands a nutritious meal to stay active and fit. Make a diet plan for your kids and include fruits, vegetables, and dairy in that. Avoid dishing junk food with high sugar and sodium for kids. Also, encourage your kids to drink more water to stay hydrated all day.




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