attitude of gratitude

Why You Must Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude Today.

March 1, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

                    Attitude of Gratitude

Virtually everyone you ask will tell you they appreciate how a little thank you can make them feel valued. It’s however surprising when I see only a few people doing it.

Perhaps, they don’t have the in-depth knowledge of the profound effects the act of gratitude actually holds.

Did you know that amongst the powerful phenomenon that contribute to great mental health is the act of gratitude?

Practicing the act of gratitude will not only offer positive atmosphere to your life but also to the lives of those you’re surrounded with.

Let’s check out these amazing benefits you can derive from embracing a gratitude mindset.

                     Photo by Miguel Bautista on Unsplash

Gratitude Improves Your Mental And Physical Health

Some days are warm and pleasant, while others may make you feel grumpy and gloomy. There is no doubt this may result in a lack of sleep, appetite, or mood swings.

What determines the effects these days could have on you is your attitude towards them.

For instance,

When the grumpy days occur, taking a pen or searching in your heart to express what you’re grateful for can literally switch your mood from a sad one to a cheerful one in an instant. Therefore supplying you with that beauty sleep you might’ve been deprived of otherwise.

It Facilitates Optimism

“Those who pay attention to what is good in their life instead of the bad are more likely to feel positive about their life.”

The more time we spend on what we’re thankful for, the more things we find to be thankful for. If you focus on the negativities of life, you will never be truly happy. As a result there will always be something bad happening especially with the negative atmosphere.

Amazingly, choosing to see life from a positive point of view by appreciating the little things can result in happiness, joy, and peace of mind.

The more grateful about the life you have, the better things you will have to look forward to.

It Strengthens Bonds In Relationships

Whether at home or work, when you’re a grateful person people are generally drawn to you. Moreover, you create an aura that makes you not only approachable but friendly.

Also, an act of gratitude reduces conflicts in your relationships as it serves as a lubricant in eliminating frictions. Thereby creating a serene atmosphere that facilitates and builds better and stronger relationships.

Image by 4653867 from Pixabay

Gratitude Improves Self -Esteem 

People who practice gratitude more in their day-to-day lives have been reported to experience more self-love. Hence, a boost in their self-image as well as better self-confidence. Thanks to the positive emotions accompanied by the simple gesture of gratitude.

It Reduces Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety is one of the leading causes of depression which often stems from focusing on what you don’t have rather than appreciating what you do have.

With a mind of gratitude, you’re contented, open-minded even when things are rough at the moment. As a result, suicidal, fearful, or depressive thoughts have no place to reside. Because they’ve been replaced with more energetic and positive thoughts.


Your happiness in life stems from expressing gratitude than any other thing. However, gratitude is an act that must be cultivated and practiced daily for its effectiveness to reflect in your life.

Decide today to incorporate the act of gratitude and don’t go a day without expressing it. You can never go wrong with a simple thank you.

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