how to break procrastination

5 tips on how to break procrastination

February 16, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

How To Break Procrastination

We all make promises to do things or pledge to carry out an event at a future time. People usually suspend their activities due to one reason or the other. It could either be as a result of  the fear of failure, low self-esteem, depression, laziness, tiredness, frustration, or negligence. In this article we will be looking at how to break procrastination.

how to break procrastination


Procrastination simply means postponing things and scheduling it to a future date and time. However,  Procrastination is not good thing as it kills dreams faster.

Procrastination make us do something else instead of the task that we are supposed to do. When we procrastinate we do tasks that gives us pleasure.

Procrastination is majorly characterized by laziness and unwillingness. The task at hand is usually more important than what we may be doing but the ease we derive from what we are currently doing might make us neglect the necessary task.

Procrastination sometimes cause regret on the part of the procrastinator. Procrastination can prevent us from achieving our goals and satisfying our conscience. However, it  causes regret.

However if you postpone a task because of a more important task, it is not procrastination, it only means you carried out your task in order of priority.

how to break procrastination
Photo by on Unsplash

To get rid of procrastination, one must be :

In order to break procrastination, the first thing to do is to recognize that you are procrastinating . When you come to terms with the fact that you have been procrastinating, you will be determined to get rid of procrastination. Afterwards you must:

1.  Identify the reason for procrastination

There’s quite a lot of reasons why you tend to procrastinate . It could be due to low self esteem, fear of failure, perfectionism, laziness or negligence, etc. To get rid of procrastination you need to identify why you have been procrastinating so you can address it right from the foundation.

2. Identify Your Task

Highlight your tasks in order of importance. Take a piece of paper and write down your tasks. This allows you to be able to carry them out in order of importance. It also prevent you from forgetting. Writing your task makes you more enthusiastic in carrying them out as the task will be on your mind.

how to break procrastination

3. Work On Your Emotions

You need to work on your emotions. Don’t act on your emotions and don’t allow yourself to be controlled by your emotions. For instance if you are the type who is prone to fear, depression or sadness, you need to get rid of these so that your mind can be of peace. When your mind is at peace, your mind will be free, you will become lively and you will be able to under go your activities without being drained emotionally.

4. Get Rid Of Negative Thinking

Be positive in your thinking as this affects your state of mind and your state of mind affects your morale, which in turn affect your output. Try to have positive thoughts about the task so that you will have interest to do the task. When one has interest in a task, one wants to carry it out with diligence in order to achieve the desired result. Always tell yourself that you can carry out the task; that you are capable and no one is more capable to do task than you. Encourage yourself with positive thinking. Avoid negative thinking as it causes intimidation and setback.

5. Acknowledge Your Achievement

In order to avoid procrastination highlight your achievements in previous tasks. Write them out so as not to forget. Thereafter go through the list and appreciate yourself for a job well done. This should motivate you in carrying out your task. Acknowledging your achievements in previous tasks increases your passion to carry out the task at hand.


In conclusion

A lot of people are losing their dreams and future to procrastination . Most people are being held back by their fear of  failure, low energy levels and perfectionism, hence, locking themselves under the chains of procrastination . Procrastination kills dream and you need to break it if really you want to succeed.


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