components of good health

Components of good health

January 20, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

A good, prosperous, and competitive life relates to good health. If you don’t have good health, then you should not have any right to dream of a beautiful life. Being healthy is a great blessing.

If you are lazy and you are negligent of  your health, well-being and prosperity, then this will bring several negative effects to your life to the extent you start hating yourself when stress and anxiety rule over your mind, your body physique no longer appeals to you and you begin to face several health-related issues.

You dream of a beautiful and successful life but you are negligent of your health, then it would not be possible because only a healthy person can achieve every goal of their life. A healthy person can easily fight every adversity of life to become successful.

components of good health
Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash
“To keep the body in good health is duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear – Budda”

If you want to be successful and healthy in every aspects of your life, you need to focus on your health, well-being and fitness. This article will share five components of good health that you need to be aware and take responsibility of to live a beautiful, prosperous and healthy life. Let’s start.

Components of good health

Physical health:

Your physical health is probably the most significant aspect of life. It is related to your body mechanism. You can’t achieve a fit body, adequate health, and useful life without maintaining your physical health.

In order to maintain physical health, you should do some physical exercise, sleep well, eat nutritious meals and avoid taking drugs and alcohol, etc. You can also start taking swimming lessons to keep yourself more active. Moreover, exercising your body frequently is best to keep your body fit and in check.

         “Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind – Mandela”

Mental Health:

The most noticeable part of your health is mental health. It relates to all of your body parts and more effectively to your life. Your mental health determines how you think, how your mind processes a problem and how you eventually solve or react to it. To maintain your mental health, you need to start thinking positively, get rid of negative people, avoid bad habits and absorb things from a positive angle. These positive habits will boost up your mental health. Your mind will become healthy, and your efficiency or performance will increase exponentially.

              “Do not let your struggle becomes your identity- Anonymous

Social health:

Social life depends on how impressively you interact and behave with other people. According to the study, social isolation is more dangerous than obesity. But it would be best if you focused on that being alone and being lonely are two different things. If you love to be lonely and isolate yourself from other people will affect your mind and soul. Break your isolation circle, start making new friends, hang out with positive people, and spend valuable time with your family. This positivity will lead to happiness in your life, and you will begin to love yourself.

“Alone we can do so little but together we can do so much- Helen Keller”

Emotional Health:

Emotional health is one of the five components of good health and well-being, yet it is frequently overlooked. Your emotions, whether  positive or negative can affect your life. Your mental health and emotions are correlated. When you are happy, it will trigger a positive nerve cells, which is good for your health. In contrast to that, when you are sad, it will negatively impact your mind. To keep your emotions stable, you need to face every hardship and adversity of life positively. Don’t allow these limitations burst up your mind and emotion. Be positive and learn from every situation in life.

components of good health
Photo by Shane on Unsplash


Spiritual Health:

Another most important aspect of health and wellness is spiritual health. Good spiritual health is a sense of proper guidance for a fair and happy life. To live a healthy, prosperous, and beautiful life, you should also embrace a healthier spiritual lifestyle. To practice good spiritual health, you should need to be internally pure and clean from your soul and spirit. You should not have any thinking of revenge or guilt in your heart. Having good spiritual health will help you fight life adversities, including rejection, death, or overcoming financial hardships.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and the spirit – B.K.S Iyengar


In conclusion, to live that prosperous life we all have the dream of we must know we need to be healthy to achieve that goal and being healthy is not just the body but with the mind and the spirit. I hope someone is being affected positively with this article . Thanks for reading

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