
Why you must be crazy to become successful

January 17, 2021Ayobiojo Mayowa

Crazy people become successful because they are crazy enough to break the rules and face any situation of life. They don’t care about anything when it comes to achieving success. They just set goals and make full efforts to achieve them. Don’t think much about norms; succeed by breaking the barriers and doing things that others think they couldn’t. They rule the world because failure is a word that doesn’t exist in their dictionary so setbacks do not stop them.

Most of the people don’t become successful because they waste their precious time in useless activities. They don’t dare to do anything special. To become successful, you need to become crazy enough to bravely fight each and every adversity of life.

When you contemplate this quote by Steve Jobs, you realize that being crazy is not bad; it is the reality of life, and you want to become mad enough to achieve success.


“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. Still, the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” –Steve Jobs.

Here are the reasons why crazy people become successful in life:

They are not foolish to be scared:

Crazy people don’t think about the outcomes of failures,  they are just concerned about doing their job in each and every possible way. They are not scared of failure, and in fact, this word does not exist in their dictionary. While ordinary people are not daring enough to face failures, which some crazy people would easily resist doing so. The ordinary people are paralyzed to face the failures of life. For crazy people, failure is a word with no meaning.

They recognize other senior crazies:

No matter the kind of personality you do have, it is slightly easy to recognize others of like minds. Crazies have a revolution to find other crazies globally. They are intelligent, which sometimes an average person think as insane and abnormal because they can’t see the charm they are busy producing behind the scenes.  The more you engage with them or learn about them, it gives you a significant chance to achieve success. Crazy people don’t run from crazy challenges.

Photo by on Unsplash


They dare to break the rules:

For crazy people, they don’t limit them on the rules of life. Their main intention is to explore the world and to achieve this; they wouldn’t be scared to break the rules.  If you accept the rules of your culture, country and industry, then it means you are an average person. It is suitable for being so, but you can’t achieve bigger if you do not modify, or even violate those rules when the benefits are much bigger.

They think out of the box:

The most notable thing about crazy people is that they think out of context. They are enthusiastic about their goals and are quick figure out problems they’ll face in achieving them, they don’t depend on trivial options.  Crazy people experiment and create different ways to solve a problem, which will reduce the efforts and benefit them. They think about how they can even optimize the current situation to make a world a better place.

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